Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Global Prescriptions

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By:Rosalind P. Petchesky
Published on 2003-10-10 by Zed Books
ISBN 9781842770078

Extrait d|About this book| : |[This book] is a critical yet optimistic analysis of the role of transnational women's groups in setting the agendas for women's health, and especially reproductive and sexual rights, in the international and the various national settings. A political theorist by training, [the author]'s perspective is deeply embedded in feminist, postcolonial and ethical theory as well as current debates on globalization. The book reviews a decade of women's participation in UN conferences, transnational networks, national advocacy efforts and sexual and reproductice health provision, assessing both their strenghs and weakness. It contains trenchant critiques of the Cairo, Beijing and Copenhagen conferences documents and World Bank, WHO and health sector reform policies. It also offers case studies of national-level reform and advocacy efforts and appraises the controversy concerning TRIPs, trade, and essential AIDS drugs. That controversy, Petchesky argues, starkly illuminates the 'collision course' of transanational corporate and global trade agendas with the struggle for gender, racial and regional equity and the human right to health.|

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