Saturday, November 24, 2018

Engineering Perspectives of Human Society

Download Engineering Perspectives of Human Society PDF/eBook

By:Robert Zahn
Published on 2004 by Nova Publishers
ISBN 9781594540066

Special interest categories: sociology; social economics; political science; globalisation. What determines individuals' rational behaviors in various social systems? How can we predict the long-term effects of a social policy? What governs the evolution path of human society? How will human society evolve in the future? This book addresses these perplexing questions about human society from a fresh angle. By applying engineering principles of control theory, game theory and information theory to fundamental social phenomena, Zhibo Zhang constructs a coherent scientific theory of human society and explores its real-world implications on domestic and international policies. Engineering Perspectives of Human Society analyzes the underlying governing mechanisms of human behaviors and makes a convincing case that seeking win-win solutions is in the best interests of all parties. Supported with historical facts, this book evaluates determining factors of the failure of various social structures including the Chinese feudal societies, Arabic civilisation and communist states. capitalism as well as its potential failure modes. It presents an optimistic assessment of the future society and argues persuasively that the globalisation and the current global power distribution with the United States and its allies being the sole superpower will lead to a long-lasting world peace.

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